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Reasons People Give for Divorce

There was a time when a couple was required to provide a serious reason for seeking a divorce. At that time, the court could deny the divorce if they felt that the couple could reconcile or that the reason was not valid. Thankfully times have changed. Although you are still required to state why you…

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What Triggers Divorce?

When you get married, you do so with the intention of being married to that person for the rest of your life. Life, however, has a way of changing 1things, and some marriages end in divorce. There are many reasons that a divorce can happen, each of which is valid. It has been our experience…

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Overview: Separation and Divorce Counselling

Divorce is hard. There is no other way to describe this life event. It is hard on both of the adults, and it is even harder on the children. Even when a divorce seems to be moving smoothly, and both parties seem to want to end the marriage, emotional pain is still a very large…

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Effects of Divorce on Families and Children


Divorce is a traumatic experience for everyone that is involved. The former spouses, even if it is an amicable divorce, or going through many life changes after becoming single adults again. However, the children of divorce are the ones that undergo the most stress and chaos when a marriage dissolves. As an OKC divorce lawyer,…

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Common Steps in Divorce Process

divorce petition

Divorce, like all legal proceedings, has specific steps that must be followed for it to proceed through the court system for approval. Each of these steps must be followed and completed in order, or the court can refuse to hear the case. The first step is to file a Petition for Divorce. This is when…

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Divorce: Facts, Consequences and Causes

Divorce is defined as the dissolution of a marriage before either one of the spouses dies. It is the legal ending of a marriage and legally reestablishes a person to be classified as a single adult. For a divorce to be legal, it must be approved by the court in which the divorce action was…

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Marriage Traits that Lead to Divorce

The first year of marriage is said to be the hardest of all the years. Living together as a married couple is much different than dating. How the couple interacts with each other during this part of their marriage is a good indicator of how the marriage will proceed through the years.   Couples that…

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Divorce: Degrees of Separation

Degree of Separation

A couple that is divorcing may find it necessary to use a legal separation before the divorce is finalized. While this practice has become less common in recent years, it is still a very useful tool. Entering into a separation agreement before the dissolution of marriage protects the rights and the assets of both parties.…

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Divorce: The Challenges of Determining Spousal Support in OKC


Alimony is now known as spousal support. The change in term has occurred because spousal support can be granted to either party of a divorce. In the past, alimony was the word used to describe payments made to a woman from her former husband.   In Oklahoma, there are three types of spousal support payments…

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Understanding the Effects of Divorce and Separation on Family

divorce and child custody

The stress of divorce exceeds the actual legal issues surrounding the end of a marriage. Dissolving a marriage takes its toll on the entire family, especially the children. Families will interact differently with each other during and after the dissolution takes place, and it is something that parents should prepare for during the process.  …

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