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Understanding About Divorce and What to Expect

In the court system divorce is handled just like any other civil matter. The court requires specific steps to be taken and qualifications to be met before it will grant a dissolution of marriage. If you are going to file for divorce, you can anticipate the following when working with the court:


  • Establishment of Jurisdiction. Most states require that you have lived in the state or county in which you are filing for divorce for a minimum of six months before you make your application. This establishes jurisdiction for the court to make decisions about your case. You do not have to be married in that state or county to file for divorce there; you just need an established residence.


  • Division of Assets and Obligations. The next step in a divorce is to negotiate the division of marital assets and debts. This process must be agreed on by both parties, and the court must approve the final division.


  • Establishment of Spousal Support. If spousal support is required, this will need to be established and approved of by the court system before the process moves forward.


  • Child Custody, Visitation, and Support. This is often the most difficult part of the divorce process. Working with your divorce lawyer in Oklahoma City, you will need to establish a childcare plan that includes custody, visitation, and support issues concerning the children of the marriage. This must be approved by the court before the divorce can be granted.


  • Other Issues. There may be other issues that must be addressed prior to the granting of the divorce, such as responsibility for legal fees or other similar issues. Once both parties agree on all terms, and these terms are approved, the court will approve the divorce.


In most cases it the process takes several months to complete. One of the reasons that the court delays the divorce process is because of the potential for reconciliation. Some couples find that during the divorce process that they would rather try to save their marriage, and the delayed process allows them to change their mind.


When you are applying for a divorce, it will always be in your best interest to work with a divorce lawyer in Oklahoma City. There are many rules and regulations that must be met to gain a divorce, and working with your attorney allows you to meet these demands in a timely manner.


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